Tuesday, February 14, 2006

stick to the soft stuff!

sounds great. don't mess with frames though. they're a bit out of your league. your skill is better suited to selling someone on a funny looking hat or bag your wife made. and it's dumb if you don't make the frame yourself anyway, and i would not ride a bike you made. but i would rock a sweet micro wedge saddle bag, or a tool roll out of some fine recycled sportscoat, waxed by hand in your oven.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

james is a jackass

i like capilene. its shiny. and smells funny, like me.

a little rational thought

just so everyone knows, this isn't just about James and his crazy ideas. There are at least three other people here with as much or more expertise and certainly different crayz ideas. But when it comes down to it, we all just like to ride bikes. (and in the end we do pretty much all like cool old lugged steel bikes. some of us just think carbon is shiny too.) and somtimes technology can be our friend. (i don't always want to be on my lugged steel road bike.) -cory